New Scientist had an interesting (and horrific) post the other day with 5 videos summarizing key robotic innovations in 2008. While none of these technologies are ready for everyday public consumption, the implications (particularly of the cybernetic research) are fairly clear. And scary.
Tag Archives: cyborgs
Oh, #*@&!%.
Maybe the scary AI researchers all took a vacation over the summer, or I just missed the best headlines. But check this mother out: Computer circuit built from brain cells. You have to wait for the scariest excerpt of all:
Brain implants can allow the paralysed to control robot arms or learn to talk again, but suffer a drop-off in performance when scar tissue coats their electrodes. “An intermediate layer of in vitro neurons interfacing between man and machine could be advantageous,” he says.
Yes, who can say what sort of advantages a neural interface with your computer could provide? I can only think of about a MILLION.