Tag Archives: dot earth

A Couple Chilly Days En Route To a Warm Season

As I peer out the window and shake my head on this somewhat chilly April morning, I also took a minute to read Andrew Revkin’s Dot Earth blog from Friday in the New York Times online.  The piece talks about a paper that is set to be published in Geophysical Research Letters on the tendancy to see short-term cooling trends in an overall warming cycle for the planet.

Beyond just mention of that paper, though, he touches a bit on the importance of some standardization of terms and measurements when we (ALL of us) talk about climate change.  That’s sort of what I was getting at in that post from a couple weeks back where I mentioned the new climate literacy publication from the NOAA.  I think it’s great that this debate is moving out of the perceived realm of hippie fanaticism and into serious, mainstream science.  It’s the only way we’ll make notable progress toward solving the environmental problems of the 21st century.