Tag Archives: mint.com

Mint and My Paranoia

If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware that I am something of a nutbar about digital security and the dangers of the Internet.  Maybe it’s just because I read enough scary stories about it, or at least scary comments about it, that keeps the vast majority of my private or even quasi-private info OFF-line.

This is why the incredible convenience of spilling your virtual guts to some strange server you’ll never meet drives me insane.

Case in point (and one that I think of around the first of every month) is Mint.com.  This is not the first time I’ve brought it up, and I’m sure I haven’t heard the last of it, either.  I may have been moved to action over the summer when Gina Trapani brought up her struggles with handing a THIRD PARTY YOUR BANKING PASSWORDS in a blog post.  It really sounded like she had similar security concerns and comparable complaints about the inefficiencies of her previous system.  That, and the tools within the Mint service seem pretty tough to beat.

I still need to talk myself into it, or get someone to offer additional endorsement, but I’m going to strongly consider the Mint option.  After all, I was willing to concede my email server to the Googles after a 4.5-day Internet outage at my house, and I’m contemplating a more tangible presence on Facebook, so maybe I’m warming up to the idea of my personal 1’s and 0’s flying aroudn the tubes.

I have a lot of reading to do with Mint’s privacy policies and data storage methods, but maybe it will save me some time next month and in the future.

Need to Save Some Time

It’s after the first of the month, so I got all my “books” (i.e., personal accounting) done this week.

I downloaded a java-based, stand-alone app back in 2006 to help me keep an electronic check register, because I was tired of writing down all the transactions that were going through on my debit card (even then, I barely used checks), particularly since I could log in to my bank accounts every day and review.  So, jGnash was and has been a big help there ever since.

The thing is, back then I only wanted and needed a paperless register.  I was only inputting data from that one account, and it wasn’t a big deal.  Over time, I added a whole bunch of different bank accounts and credit cards that I’m tracking, and now I’m feeling that I would like a more holistic overview of my personal finances.

I would also like something that is smart enough to know that when I am transferring money around, or making payments what have you, it’s essentially one transaction– I don’t want to key everything in at least twice (as a debit over here,  and a credit over there).  I spent about an hour and a half making all those entries last night, and I really only needed to “think” through it for 20 minutes or so.  I like to have that information at my fingertips if I want or need it, so crawling back into the cave of tracking things on paper will not do at all.

It’s entirely possible that what I’m using already does these things, and I just need to figure out to use them.  There are also things out there like Mint, which purport to be dead simple to use, but my security alarm bells go off ANY time I am entrusting a large portion of personal data to somebody else’s server.  There’s actually a portable version of GnuCash, too, but that one always felt geared toward somebody with more complex accounting needs than I have on my own.

Do you have any thoughts on this?  What are you using to digitally manage your personal finances in the 21st century?