
Well, what did you think of that new banner-lookin’ thing? I know, I know, I’m still living in Montana for a couple weeks, but with the school year over, I thought I would make the first part of my move in cyberspace.

It is a gorgeous day here in Boze-ville, for a variety of reasons: first off, take a look out the window there — lovely day after a week of on-and-off rain. Second, I did some massive and intense cleaning of the apartment over the weekend, so I can hand myself completely over to other pressing tasks.

Third, and this is the biggest one, I managed to secure A’s in both my classes this semester, so I’d say it’s safe to assume I got A’s on both those papers that forced the website onto hiatus for a few weeks. Good to know that all the work over the course of the semester and especially down the stretch wasn’t all for naught.

So what’s next?

For the time being, my energies are focused on a couple different things: getting myself mov-ed back to WI. I found out this morning that my party will include two, a fact which I feel a little bad about, since Ben will have to drive back to Bozeman on his own. He’s one of these people who enjoys driving for hours and hours at a crack, just to see the country, so I guess that’s not so bad. I want to have a reservation all settled for the rental car by the end of the week.

Ok, check this out: while I’ve been writing here, I saw the mail truck pull in to Garfield (the street that I live on, more or less) only to pull out again six minutes later. I mean, I’m sure the mailman has a system, but I’ll be damned if I can figure out what it is. He’s gonna be back in another hour, why not pile all the mail for the whole damn neighborhood on one truck and do it that way? Or better even, I think they should have a wee little P.O. just for the grad housing part of town. God knows there are a helluva lot of people around here.

Anyway, besides the moving project, I’ve had interest from a number of people in some of my furniture, all of which I would be just thrilled to unload before moving back. Actually, y’know, I’m thinking about this, and if I could successfully move the majority of this furniture… damn, I wouldn’t even need a rental. I think my car and Ben’s would afford sufficient space for all this stuff. We’d be going on the assumption, though, that I was able to move all big-ticket items. Excepting, perhaps, the TV and the desk chair… and no way I’ll be able to find someone to buy that little refrigerator… nah, nevermind, we’re gonna need the rental.

Well, pertinent site material, let’s see… I enjoyed writing and reading one of my two seminar papers this semester enough to put it on the website. You can find it under “Writings.”

Ummmm… don’t know if you’re interested at all in seeing the reruns of the videos, but the new season doesn’t start until I’m back home next month, so take what you can get.

But, of course everyone (including myself) loves new content, so you will find the LA Slideshows in the “Hollywood Adventure” section.

‘Til later, cheers.

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