In one little day, I improved the new banner a bit, thanks to DW Schrubbe, who had a better-lookin shot with more vibrant colors. These are things you can get done sans job and school.
Congrats also must go out to Nick Petters, who unseated the until-yesterday-undefeated-champion of the Movie Quote of the Day derby, Ryan Wordell. That link goes to Nick’s website, which he would probably feel more inclined to update with regularity if his traffic went up. He’s entertaining the idea of starting a web server out of his home, and hells bells, if that happens, you can bet your ass will be moving there.
Try your hand at the new quote, though.
Some other things I crossed off my list already this morning: talked to Jen on the ‘puter and positively arranged accommodations for next month when I return to Brew City; had Auntie Chris e-mail me Mom’s travel itinerary for the weekend; drank a pot of coffee.
It’s a helluva day. On that note, I’m gonna get to it.