First, thanks to everybody who sent some positive feedback about what I had to say about Ben over the weekend. It’s definitely still weighing heavy on my mind, and if I have more to say in the future, I appreciate you listening to it.
On a lighter note, here is what I see as laundry’s leading problem: people wear it. You have clean clothes, then you have to go and wear them, secrete all your juices all over em, they get dirty, you gotta wash em again… it’s a vicious, never-ending cycle.
I just did a ton of wash last week, and here I am, 4 more loads seven days later. Is that a lot for a single man? 4 loads is about average for my week. Does that sound excessive? The funny thing is, if I let it go two weeks, I usually only end up with two extra… eh, whatever.
The rest of my time in Vegas for the week will be spent cleaning, packing, and otherwise preparing for my abbreviated vacation to Boston. Thursday night after work, I drive down to Waukesha to stay with Jen and Joe, then Jen is driving me to the airport early on Friday morning. I’ll be in Boston by 10:30 EST.
Wordy is getting in about 25 hours later.
We’re staying at Ben Leubner’s place, and let me tell you what a helluva guy this guy is: not only did he drive all the way to WI with me from Montana only to drive back, when we get there he’s letting us crash at his place, guiding the tour, and shuttling us about where we need to be. Quite a good friend to have made, I hope someday I can reciprocate some of his kindness…
Either Sunday or Monday we’ll take a train into New York, I don’t think Wordy’s ever been there.
Wordy you been there?
Right, been a couple times, not lately. Got it.
So that’s my week in a nutshell. Gotta run, time to change the f*n laundry…