I thought that there may be some issues within this new site that really made it slow for some people. But, after noticing the poor transfer rate I get from connecting to my house in a variety of ways, I decided a speed test for my Internet connection was in order. The verdict: 25 Kbps upstream. Ouch.
So when I get home later on, I’m going to reboot the modem (I don’t think I’ve had to do that at all since they hooked up the webs for me early last fall), and if that changes nothing (I don’t think it will), it’ll be time for a phone call to my friendly neighborhood Time Warner Customer Service rep. Gotta hold off for the weekend on that one, because I’ve never experienced a hold time in this market (MKE) of less than 20 minutes.
It only took a total of 66 minutes for them to decide they needed to send a tech out to the house and fix something. At least that’ll get done.
Ran a bunch more speed tests today before and during my time on the horn with the Time Warners. Saw a wide variety of upload speeds, some in the range where I should be, but most topping out around the 100 Kb/s territory.
Dunno what they’re gonna do on Monday between 5 and 8 pm, but it can’t be any worse, so…