Maybe we could look at going to Voyageurs and Isle Royale this summer…. are they close enough to add either to the Apostle Island get-a-way?
Rocky Mountain NP is very beautiful and I only spent a day driving though it, but I think that Glacier and Yellowstone (in that order, were higher on my list. A great time to see Rocky Mountain might be on a ski trip? I could also show you where I almost moved to (just outside the park 🙂
This is the best hold-over that I think Milwaukee has to offer…
Maybe we could look at going to Voyageurs and Isle Royale this summer…. are they close enough to add either to the Apostle Island get-a-way?
Rocky Mountain NP is very beautiful and I only spent a day driving though it, but I think that Glacier and Yellowstone (in that order, were higher on my list. A great time to see Rocky Mountain might be on a ski trip? I could also show you where I almost moved to (just outside the park 🙂