Wednesday, 26 March, 2025


firing from the hip since 2002

Is It Too Late for Anyone to Take Anything Back?

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4 Replies to “Is It Too Late for Anyone to Take Anything Back?”

  • You raise a compelling argument.
    I would also point out that there are certain things I really don’t want people to know about me but are generally public domain…if you know where to look. Kind of apple and oranges in regards to this observation, but still something to think about.

    • I think your comment is more relevant to this topic than you might realize– after all, what has made even public records so much more accessible than ever before? The ‘tubes, my friend; it is the ‘tubes.

      All manner of information available in a search-able format at the touch of a button. This is what we want, right?

      • I’m quite the proponent to open source information. It’s a lot like your explanation of Linux and how sharing all the info, in theory, makes for a more intelligent society as a whole.

        Of course, we also run the risk of making our society the dumbest ever to exist with these new “tools”. This is why I shun electronic social networking, I see no redeeming value in it. And also I’m a hermit.

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