Tag Archives: random


It’s Friday and I’m a little hung over. Low on content-ideas, as well as motivation. That being said, please follow the clicky for some good, clean, LOLTrek.

And while we’re re-hashing tired old web-gags, why not get on the way to destruction? After all, you have no chance to survive make your time.

… I also just had a realization that Internet is old enough that if you said to a kid (i.e., teenager), even one that is quite well-versed on the Tubes, “How are you Gentlemen?” you would likely be met with a blank stare.

The Point of Ignorance

In my experience, starting a new job is marked by a number of distinct benchmarks, by which you can chart your progress (this is the leading trait that distinguishes “starting a new job” from “occupying a fledgling democracy in the Middle East”).

I have reached the Point of Ignorance this week, and I find that encouraging. This is a time during which you feel fairly comfortable with the people, procedures, and surroundings, because your co-workers or supervisors have voiced their assurance/confidence in you, and you’ve personally noted successes that lead you to think they’re correct.

However, there is a Major Screw-Up looming on the horizon, which you will be guilty of perpetrating due to your ignorance of a little-known procedural point or little-used policy. The event will remind you that, despite your confidence, it will take time to master all the nuances of this place, but at the same time, you will have the evidence of those minor successes that leave you with the notion that you CAN, in fact, adapt.

So I’ve gotten a lot done already this morning. Time to carry on with that.


The last couple nights I’ve had trouble getting right to sleep really early, so that I can get ‘plenty of rest.’ On Sunday night, I didn’t go to sleep until shortly after midnight, and last night I sat awake in bed until about 12:30. Last night I was going to archive some old emails over to the server, but I wound up reading them instead. I’ve said it before, but I’m repeating because it’s true: I was funnier in 2003. I started to lose it in 2004, and by 05, I was the dense, festering lump of flesh you see before you today. Not sure what happened there.

But I digress.

Point was that in spite of not getting what one could call a desirable amount of sleep, I was up before the alarm both days, ready to get moving at about 5:40. Yesterday, I didn’t even hit a wall later in the day or whatever.

But, I did notice this morning that I was a little groggy when I got off the bus, and I think it’s because I was reading. I don’t know about you, but any time it’s late and I can’t fall asleep, I just open a book, and unless it’s remarkably compelling, I will be out in under 10 pages. I’m pretty sure I was dealing with the same effect here.

So, no more reading on the bus on the way into work. Unless it’s just the paper (i.e., Internet). That’s still OK. Newspapers are short, relatively speaking.

Also, listening to Streaming soundtracks this morning, and the main title from E.T. is waaaaaaay too long.

I really don’t like that movie.

Shooting for a Positive Perspective

I caught myself thinking again this morning about how I’m 28-plus and I’m still not doing the things that I thought I would or could by this time.

The positive spin that I found was: I’ll probably live more than 28 more years. Hell, I’ll probably live more than 30 more years. So, there is still the potential of “doing what I want to do” for the majority of my life.

This is especially true if I only count my adult life. Tons of that left to go.

Enjoy your Monday.