I have officially come to the end.
Of the semester? No.
Of the college career? No again.
Of some sort of proverbial rope? Negative.
I have come the end of the Internet. It’s all over. I’ve seen everything out there worth seeing. Now all that’s left is checking the daily news, occasionally participating on a message board here or there, and trying to better maintain my own dismal site.
The holiday season is in full swing now, although to look outside, you’d never know it. Here is the forecast for the next few days for Oshkosh:
Here it is for Milwaukee:
Here’s Eagle River (where the snowmobile trails should be opening over the weekend):
Just for comparison, here’s Bozeman:
And Los Angeles:
Yeah, the grass started growing again with the rain over the last few days, so I’m glad that I don’t have a lawn.
I have uncharacteristically nearly completed my holiday shopping for the year before December 10. Tomorrow I have off in the afternoon, and figure to knock the rest out at that time. I hope those of you expecting gifts enjoy them. Additionally, I hope all of you expecting gifts get one.
Ah, crap. Thinking a bit more about it, maybe I’m not as done as I thought I was. Crap.
If you’ve come back hoping for the Good-bye Willy Photo Essay, I haven’t posted anything yet due to the inclemant Oshkosh weather. If it stays shitty through the rest of the week, I’ll just take pics in the slop and roll with it. Let’s go ahead and slate the World Premiere for Monday, December 13.
No one has guessed the Movie Quote of the Week, making it now the Movie Quote of Three Weeks. I know one of you could figure it out, so take a look for chrissakes.