Friday, 14 March, 2025


firing from the hip since 2002

Hedging My Bets

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5 Replies to “Hedging My Bets”

  • Don’t fall into the temptation. A few years ago, I was hoodwinked by Shane Raatz into joining MySpace. Aside from the few people that came out of the woodwork that I came to realize that I stopped speaking to for a reason many years ago, it seemed relatively harmless.

    Then came this past weekend.

    Oh my sweet feathery Christ, you couldn’t make it up.

    Call me if you wish further insight.

  • you only have to talk to/reveal to/email people that you designate. You can ignore 99% of everyone who tries to talk to you. but sometimes its funny to see who will try. I’ve ignored a great many. When I find out how to dis en friendchise them, I will let you know.

  • Suck it up and soldier on. I still don’t have a cellphone and I’m alive to tell about it. What the hell are you going to do on Facebook anyway? You hate people. But you love gatherings, isn’t it ironic?

  • You may still be without cell phone, but it seems that I did get a text message from your area code referring to a trip to the North Pole recently. Maybe the next question should be: If I don’t have a Facebook account myself, but I hover over the shoulder of someone else as they “Facebook,” is that just as bad?

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