Friday, 14 March, 2025


firing from the hip since 2002


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One Reply to “Found?”

  • I think it’s important to leave some huge things open to interpretation…but allow me to shed some light on the light.

    The way Mother explained it (and also Jeff Jenkins over at Entertainment Weekly) I perceive the light to be something like the essence of mankind. The easiest tangible example I can give is that of Vishnu, Hinduism’s supreme god. Vishnu equates in omnipotence and omniscience to the Judeao-Christian God, but he differs in application. In Christianity, we are all God’s children…in Hinduism, we are all Vishnu. When we obtain enlightenment we are absorbed into a sort of cosmic collective and are basicially everywhere and at any time. So this light is the physical manifestation of that (ruh-roh!). By harnessing this light, not only does one have the power to slip through time and space…but quite possibly control the fate of mankind. (Jenkins has a wicked awesome explanation as to the effects of putting out the light in his recap.)

    I also like to throw a dash of scientific interpretation into the light as well. It would seem that the two building blocks of life in the universe are light and water, which is why scientists get all jacked when they find water on asteroids and such. If this light represents the spiritual tie that binds mankind to each other and to the universe then science says it needs water to foster life. Take the sink stopper out and the water drains and without water there is no life.

    Then again, after studying literature for 3 1/2 years I’ve learned that the most important thing is that everybody takes away what they want or need to take away. In essence, every great story is a complete and total cop out…and I love that.

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