Category Archives: General

Empty List!

This is the first time in the history of my instant messaging that I signed on to see a COMPLETELY empty buddy list. Glad that everyone is getting out for the weekend.

I’m just working on some crap w/ the computer quick before Joe shows up so we can head to Mt. Morris. We’re going to help Uncle Bob w/ some computing and telephone stuff @ the retirement home, I guess.

Kind of a bummer that I started running a task on my laptop that I didn’t think would take that long, but as it turns out, is going to last about 4 hours. Hence, no laptop at the cottage for me. Probably not too big a deal; I rarely use the computer when I’m traveling on the weekend, but of course, if I don’t have it, I’ll probably be thinking about it the whole time.

If you didn’t have a chance to take a look at my Flickrs lately, I moved into a new office this week, so that’s something new. I have a window now. Being able to see out is nice. The breeze is good, too.

I think Joe might be here, so I’m gonna roll. Good weekends, y’all.

Completely Back Home

Picked up my server from the Mundschau’s house this evening. To you, this transaction is transparent, but to me, it’s nice to have my digital storage facility back “on site.”

But I guess Joe says he wants to set up another computer with IP Cop and a VPN between our houses anyway, so then it won’t make a huge diff.

Most of you probably didn’t grok that.

I’m going to get back to enjoying the fact that my music library is in the closet and then rip some CDs that I bought over the summer. I also have the radio on, for reasons that I will not be blogging until 10/1. Hence, I must press on…

(Sort of) Regularly Scheduled Programming

I’ve had a productive work week so far that I don’t want to jinx or derail. That being said, please take note of the following:

Dad and I did go to the Brewers game on Friday that they lost in fairly unspectacular fashion, but since then, it’s been 4 victories and now they’re back in a tie for first. This pennant race shit is pretty cool.

Grandma has a new kitchen floor. Regardless of what anyone tells you, it is definitely there. I’ve seen it. There are other tangential projects to complete, which surround the floor, but the floor is done.

I’ve started reading The Singularity Is Near, after hearing its title in an AP story that I blogged about a week or so ago. While I seem to share some beliefs/feelings about the future with the author, I am trying to approach it with an objective mindset.

Speaking of blogging other things, Wil Wheaton has a post today about the continuing saga of Internet radio and the RIAA. It’s a good read, and offers some leads links to additional sources of info on this topic.

That is all…

A Little Revelation

I was thumbing through emails this morning as I started my Thursday, and I had yet another message about PantherFest. I won’t be attending this event, but it made me think about how the festival season completely blew by me this year.

I was living in Milwaukee all summer, and this is the first time I can remember since I’ve been in college that I didn’t go to a single ethnic festival all summer long. Michelle and I had a couple hours at the State Fair, but that was it. I even missed Summerfest and fireworks on the 3rd of July by the lake.

Next year I’ll probably be more settled in and whatnot, so I imagine things will be different.

Here’s another little revelation, though– I’ve never lived in Milwaukee over the winter. I don’t think it’ll be any different than what I’m used to in other parts of the state. I guess the commute could suck more, with things like trudging through the snow on my way to the bus stop, etc.


Only 110 days until Christmas.