Tag Archives: all-star game

Chmura: This Year's Freshman Class is SUPER-Hot Packers Should Let Brett Go

Evidence that in today’s day and age, the media will not stop until everyone who could possibly have an opinion about anything has been interviewed and quoted.

Haven’t been here in a few days, thanks to a very, very busy week of work and after-work activities.  A brief re-cap:

  • Michelle’s condo is sold
  • All the “stuff” is out of said condo
  • A/C?  Installed
  • All-Star Game?  First one I watched in YEARS, and it was good!
  • The 80s?  Still rocking like hell, after all these years.

I Hart New York

Hey– been busy at work since getting back from my break, so that’s why there’s been a lack of news.  Photos to come in the next couple days from various events since the end of June…

In the meantime, get out there and VOTE YOUR ASS OFF FOR COREY HART until 4 PM CDT (remember the balloting is unlimited).  Let’s show up those chumps from NYC, who have David Wright in a dogfight with our rightfielder…

Back to work then, carry on.