Makin Lists


Help me remember all the stuff I have to get done this week before heading out on the road with Michelle for a week.

Today I did all the laundry that I had around the house. I went shopping for another pair of shorts (I have a few that are pretty old and ratty and need to be disposed of). I cleaned out the car, took out all the crap that was laying in the trunk, re-packed only the stuff I’ll need, and I started a list of things I need to take so I can pack tomorrow.

I was pretty pissed at the end of the Brewers game today. Seems to me that there are certain areas where the team is obviously falling short, and if don’t pick it up, or make a move or three to turn things around, the season’s gonna be a wash. It seems weird, though, to be thinking about being all upset that the Brewers are falling behind in the playoff race.

Anyway, my GF is on the phone, so I better take this. Talk to you tomorrow.

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