Tag Archives: criticism

Twenty-Two Is Not a Lot

I paid my monthly bill to Etsy this morning.  It’s never really that much, as I sometimes go weeks or months with nearly no activity at all in my shop.  If I want to increase traffic over there, I probably need to add a lot more listings.

We’re often our own worst critic.  That is painfully true for me in every creative endeavor that I’ve undertaken.  I first got the impetus to open an Etsy shop when a friend at work mentioned the one that her photography instructor had.  I took a look and said, “well, I have all kinds of pictures that look better than these…”  The thing is, with art, there is no accounting for taste.  I should strive not to take and then sell the pictures that *I* necessarily like best, but put forth my best effort to look at my photos objectively, make them look their best in post-processing, and then let others judge.

What have I got to lose?  Twenty cents a listing?  Hey, if I’ve got four dollars, I’m just going to throw it in the street anyway.