Tag Archives: etsy

Back In Business

corner_modI had let my Etsy store listings lapse over the last couple of months, and for whatever reason, procrastinated significantly in getting that stuff back together.

Last year, I sold a print during the deer hunt, and since Saturday is opening day, I figured I should get that stuff back together.

It would probably be a good idea for me to add a lot more shots to the shop.  Still working on getting over that “what-I-like-might-not-be-what-other-people-like” thing with regard to my creative work.  Maybe I should post some potentials here on the blog and ask visitors to offer an opinion.  I suppose it can’t hurt.

Twenty-Two Is Not a Lot

I paid my monthly bill to Etsy this morning.  It’s never really that much, as I sometimes go weeks or months with nearly no activity at all in my shop.  If I want to increase traffic over there, I probably need to add a lot more listings.

We’re often our own worst critic.  That is painfully true for me in every creative endeavor that I’ve undertaken.  I first got the impetus to open an Etsy shop when a friend at work mentioned the one that her photography instructor had.  I took a look and said, “well, I have all kinds of pictures that look better than these…”  The thing is, with art, there is no accounting for taste.  I should strive not to take and then sell the pictures that *I* necessarily like best, but put forth my best effort to look at my photos objectively, make them look their best in post-processing, and then let others judge.

What have I got to lose?  Twenty cents a listing?  Hey, if I’ve got four dollars, I’m just going to throw it in the street anyway.

A New Venture

A colleague of mine at work took a continuing ed photography class here in Madison recently.  We’ve been carpooling the last few weeks, so there has been ample time to chat about it.

One of the things that she mentioned was that the instructor has a store on Etsy where she sells prints of some of her photos.  I took a look at a couple of them and said, “… OK.  People are buying this?”  I guess art is one of those things whose quality is fairly subjective.  What I look at as a very average photo, someone shopping for low-cost prints might think is just outstanding.  It dawned on me that if this person is selling these photos and doing so successfully, I could try my hand at making a few bucks on the side.

So anyway, I’m going to start a shop, but I need to take the time to choose which pictures to list.  Listings are twenty cents apiece, so I figure I’ll spend five bucks or so to get started, and see if any of them sell.  If not, I’m only out five bucks.  I figure if I can sell one or two, that would at least cover the cost of the listings.

Any ideas for which pictures I should try to sell?  Obviously, I’ve got many more than those on this site, but maybe you’ve got some ideas.  Take a look if you want and let me know.