World Wide What?

So I dunno if you tried to get online last night (or, technically, I guess, early this morning) but there was ZERO chance of it hap’nin, my friend.

I was a bit pissed cuz I meant to send a file via the Internet to the LA Boys, and of course, was unable to do it. I watched a full hour of “Blind Date” on TNN, though. Those people are pretty hilarious. Especially when you just don’t have the energy or necessary motivation to change the channel.

Today I play the waiting game once more with the loan check. So you know how that goes.

I’m hoping it comes, though, because Ewan & Meredith’s jeep was in a accident in the parking lot at Barnes & Noble yesterday, and they need a ride about town later on, and if they’re at all like me (or other normal people) they’d like to get their shop on.

No major advancements on the page here today… hey, it’s the weekend. I think I’m going to shoot next week’s video later today, though.

There’s other stuff I could talk about, but I really wanna take a shower, so I’ll just leave you with the photo here, which Wordy took, which is of me, outside of Field’s in Oshkosh, on New Year’s Morning. Have a good weekend.

It was a very good year.

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