Category Archives: General

Merriness and Yuletide Celebratorials


I have one more last-minute gift to pick up before we head over to Grandma’s this afternoon… But I didn’t want to leave the holidays without a little message saying “Merry Christmas” and all that. I left in sort of a sour mood on Friday…

Hope that your Christmas is filled with relaxation, good times, and good company. Remember the “reason for the season,” and may God bless your family in the coming year.

See ya after Christmas…

The Java Upgrade Broke My Damn Checkbook

Just a couple days before Christmas, and I really should be in a better mood. Nothing is going to happen at work today, but at the same time, I am trapped here. I have to stay, even though I would be infinitely more productive if I left to take care of my own business. My boss (the big one, not the psuedo-supervisor boss) says to me when I walk in this morning, “I thought you were off today.” Well fuck. Why did I bother coming in?

I finally got the reimbursement check for my glasses in the mail yesterday. That was a fiasco. Couldn’t come at a better time, though, as I was down to my last one hundred-three cents in my checking account til the end of the month. Of course, I have to wait for lunch to run it over to the bank.

But I was going to at least enter this in to my check register, and write a check for the *grr* parking ticket that I got in Tosa last weekend (first time ever getting a ticket for parking on the street at Jen & Joe’s, BTW). But my computer wanted to upgrade some Java crap yesterday, and now my banking software is all messed up (it is java-based). So I’m trying to re-update, or de-update, or something to make the mother work again.

What really has me chapped is that one of Michelle’s gifts, which I ordered last week, and should have had plenty of time to get here for Christmas, still hasn’t arrived. I would be more understanding if I had been given some warning when I placed the order that I may not have it in time, but there was nothing. I’m extremely not pleased. I’m working on a solution, but I don’t know. Dammit.

Have I mentioned that it’s pouring rain today?

I really need to try to settle down a bit, but my morning is not starting out very well.

I’ll probably be back later. If I miss you, have a pleasant Christmas weekend…

I Am NOT Crazy

Hey, I’m not the only one who’s scared of robots.

Slow day; more to come…

In the meantime, think about this:
Reading stories about ever-spiraling world conflicts, chronic failures in adequate wildlife management, man-made destruction of the environment, overpopulation and starvation, and not to mention astounding technological innovations that prompt writings like the story linked above has made me ponder the ultimate reality of the human condition– what if we are fighting against our ultimate destiny and natural evolution?

Is it possible that mankind’s true “natural” progression is just to continue breeding, and growing, and sweeping across the planet, wiping out everything in our path? And that at the same time, we will innovate so quickly and efficiently on a technological level that we will create a sentient artificial lifeform that will reasonably see fit to wipe US out? After all, human beings need food, water, air to breathe, etc. Machines would not. The barren wasteland that our planet will one day become could be a more ideal environment for our robots than for us. Wouldn’t it make sense to think this could be another chapter of Earth’s natural evolution? No one thinks of it, because preserving ourselves is so important to us, but how much easier would it be (and how often in natural history has it been seen) to replace the planet’s dominant species with one that can thrive under whatever conditions might exist?

Suck on that for a while, and have a Merry Christmas.

"Community" Values

So I have a meeting with the other counselors in the office every Tuesday morning. We talk aobut anything that the others need to know, or go over what we’re working on, etc. It’s also an opportunity for the assoc. director, who is basically the “campus-at-large liason” for financial aid, to tell us about the goings on in his various meetings and trainings and stuff like that.

So one of the things we looked at today was a list of “core values,” that are apparently “valued by the university community,” and also a list of “personal values” that “ideal candidates” for open positions “will” “have.”

And you “can” quote me “on that.”

Anyway, the point I want to get at is, why do we need a list of things that traits that people need to have in order to hire them? Why do people need to be so happy about going to work? I don’t like the trend at all. So on top of being qualified for a job and knowing how to do it effectively, I need to shoot rainbows out of my ass while I’m doing it (?).

And yes, I mean, looking at this list, there are a lot of good things on it, OK? But I’m looking at this and saying, “these are qualities that good human beings just have by nature…” Why the hell did we have to get a commitee together to write them down, when non-dipshits should just have these things subconsciously within themselves? I’ll go to church to get reminders of how I should be living my life, or what sort of attitude I should take into my daily interactions with others. I don’t need to waste time on it at work.

I’m doing my job, I’m doing it right, and other than that, I just want to be left alone. If there are people that have so much time on their hands, maybe the answer isn’t to make work your religion or therapy group– how ’bout we trim the fat a little bit, save some people a little money, and try to do our work more efficiently?

Over 8700 Images?

I’m loading up F-Spot for the first time in my Linux system (it’s sort of an open-source Adobe PhotoAlbum?, or maybe Picasa, I guess) and I told it to just index the “My Pictures” directory on my server. I didn’t think there would be that many pictures. Of course, these are not just pictures I’ve taken, but all the pictures I’ve collected over time, too.

Still, it’s a lot.

Had a nice weekend, for those that were wondering. Jen and Joe and Michelle & I and Christy over for dinner and holiday libations. We ate, drank, and played dominoes. Later Jen and I sang loudly and Michelle got stuck to the floor. Photos to come.

Work could not possibly have been more boring today. I sat at the desk in a haze. I have to come up with some other things to get done while I’m there or it’s going to be a long January.

Meanwhile, speaking of Linux, I was thinking, “hey, let’s put up or shut up about this Free software crap,” so since I’ve had a lot of success so far with Ubuntu on my desktop, I’m gonna give it a go ’round on my lappy and see if it can *really* be an every-day replacement for me. I think it could. I find that it’s hard for me to think of every little thing until I sit down and try to run something tho, y’know? I have a list of essential tasks that Ubuntu will have to keep up with if this transition is going to “take”:

– obviously, wireless has to work, and it has to work pretty much flawlessly– that is, no extra effort when I go from place to place, and no extra steps when moving from a wired to wireless connection
– Internet, Email, and office-goodies can’t miss a beat (I’m already certain this will be no prob)
– full compatibility with a variety of little devices: camera, phone, webcam, ext HDD, PDA, and USB drives
– stinkpad ‘Fn’ keys and features have to work. I will settle for the biometrics not making it, but only because that thing is so finnicky as it is.
– graphics driver better play nice with everything

Ho-hum, nuff boredom for today. If you’re in Vegas and on any sort of ‘vacation’ during this holiday season, give a ring…

Diamond-STUDded Epiphanies

Getting some stuff done around the house this morning, and I wanted to listen to the CD that somebody at work lent to me while I was at it:

I heard a couple of Neil’s tracks on one of the Christmastime streams I’ve been listening to on the web. I realized a few things while I’ve had this record on:

1. Neil Diamond is the only guy who could get women to throw their panties on the stage while singing “O Holy Night”
2. If Neil had been born 20-25 years later, he would have been the frontman for the ass-kicking-est punk band in the history of man
3. If Neil and Springsteen toured together, it would be called The Suck It World, Y’All My Bitches Tour

… I dunno, something about Neil Diamond– every song he sings, no matter how mellow he tries to be, it sounds like it should be played at 4000 decibles from the floor of Madison Square Garden.

Suggestions, Anyone?

I have such a long list of things that I should do, but don’t necessarily *have* to do, and I find my mind so often preoccupied with the volume of items on that list, none of them really get knocked off.

I assume this is a problem that a lot of people have (?).

Just for a couple trivial examples: I have loads and loads of music on my server that people have given to me that I’ve never listened to. I have a mess of DVDs that I’ve never watched. I have a mitful of ideas for stories that I’ve never started.

If you care to comment (which you would have to log in to do), I’m curious to hear feedback about how you either:
A) deal with a similar reality in your own life, or
B) have devised a plan of attack for this list.

SIGH. At least I have VNC so I can clean up some files on my laptop at home from work.

Seemingly Unrelated Technologies Will Converge!!!

Read a couple stories this morning via Slashdot, and on the surface, they don’t seem related.

First, there was the tale of Microsoft’s robotics software, and Bill Gates’s assessment that robots would one day be as ubiquitous as personal computers.

Next, I moved on to Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff’s defense of the Real ID Act, from which I gleaned this important paragraph:
Some have argued that the idea of creating more tamperproof IDs is only a marginally better way to screen out those intent on committing terrorist acts because ID cards don’t even begin to tackle a core crime prevention challenge: determining a person’s unspoken intentions.

I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to put the two together– solution to “determining a person’s unspoken intentions”? That’s right: psychic mind-probe robots running Windows Vista Enterprise Edition.

Tick Tick Tick

11 more shopping days until Christmas. If you’re ordering online, you better get done with it immediately.

The holiday shopping season has me a little stressed out this year. I still haven’t bought anything for Michelle, and it took me a while to come up with something for the other people on my list. I also need to come up with the cash to cover my New Year’s party, so there’s another thing that I haven’t even started to worry about yet.

If I didn’t find it so embarrassing, I might show a picture of the shambles which is my apartment right now. I’ve got a lot of cleaning to do over the next couple days; I think Michelle is going to come up for at least a day or two this weekend. And again, there’s the party coming up that’s going to require a thorough house cleaning.

I also looked at my phone the other day and tried to decide for certain if this is the ringer for me for the next two years (at least). I have 15 days from when I activated it to switch to something else, so about 7 or 8 to go. There was another one whose features and benefits I briefly entertained, but I don’t think I switch is likely. Er, well- no. Yeah. Definitely. Probably not.

Hey back on the topic of the New Year for a moment: party is, of course, happening on 12/31, but if you are coming from anywhere out of town for this event (or for something else), I will be around and generally available beginning on Thursday night, 12/28. I have off on Friday (and Saturday, of course). So come on over.

I wonder how class is going this week for the K-Bear? I haven’t heard from him in a while. I should probably give a call. Ditto for the Munsons. All three of ’em.

I have some clocks at my desk that are off by a couple minutes, I think I’ll go synchronize them and then try to finish the shopping…

PS- We won our 2nd basketball game on Monday…